Flag: Bret Ferrente
Invocation: Dave Friedman
Four Way Test: Rotarians
Martin Cooper (Guest Speaker)
Shirin Najab
Ali Sheikh
Julian Venegas (City of San Fernando Director of recreation Services and a prospective member)
District Governor's Visit
Governor Beth Hall
Our District Governor will be visiting our Club on September 17, 2020. Let us invite friends and family to join our Zoom meeting that day. This is an opportunity for prospective members to come and learn about rotary and to also ask questions and get answer from our Governor.
President Zoraida Grossman welcomed and thanked everyone for attending our meeting today.
President Zoraida:
Reminded everyone about our BOD meeting which is slated for 1:10PM immediately after our regular meeting today.
She also gave a brief talk on the current situation with the proposed Satellite Club. Presently, there are 4 prospective members. As soon as there are 8 members, which is expected within the next 2 months, GVN Rotary will then officially induct the new members into our club.
Bret Ferrente:
Spoke about the Environmental Project he is heading in conjunction with his wife, Hale, a 6th grade teacher. He said a survey will be sent out to each member and encourage everyone to please help by responding to the survey. The survey will help people find out their own environmental footprint. He said GVNR will be fully involved in this project.
Les Grossman(PDG)
reminded members about the District membership training on Saturday, and Zoraida will send out the link to whoever is interested in attending the zoom seminar.
Also, October is Polio Plus Eradication Month. Governor Beth has asked for $100.00 donation by each member to the Rotary Foundation for Polio Plus. PDG Les Grossman is requesting everyone to please donate whatever they can.